cor·pus cal·lo·sum /kôrpəs kəˈlōsəm/
the band of commissural fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres in the brains of higher mammals, including humans
Corpus Callosum Press LLC is a literary press, based in Hastings, Nebraska, that specializes in new fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.
Like our quite small and unassuming neurological namesake, we aim to connect: through literature and visual art, through shared experiences, through recognition of our common humanity.
In addition to publishing new literary works, Corpus Callosum Press LLC offers a wide range of editing, design, and writing services. Eric R. Tucker, the managing editor of Corpus Callosum Press, has over twenty-five years of professional editing and publishing experience; projects have included novels, memoirs, short story collections, academic articles, textbooks, scholarly journals, and literary magazines, as well as many other works of fiction, creative nonfiction, journalism, and poetry. His freelance editing projects have ranged from heavy developmental edits to medium mechanical edits to light touch-ups. Tucker is the editor and publisher of Plainsongs poetry journal (2015-) and The Corpus Callosum journal (2023-) as well as the short story collection Children of the Night: Stories (Casimir, 2018) and the memoir Of Moose and Me: Animal Tales from an Alaskan Childhood (Wardell, 2019). He has taught writing, editing, publishing, and journalism classes at the University of Oregon, the University of Illinois at Springfield, Western Illinois University, Hastings College, Central Community College, and Doane University. Tucker holds an MFA in creative writing, with an emphasis in fiction writing, and a master’s degree in journalism, with an emphasis in long-form feature writing, science reporting, and copy editing.