Children of the Night: Stories
by Ulrick Casimir
In Children of the Night, his debut collection of short stories, author and scholar Ulrick Casimir explores the bonds that are forged, strained, broken, and forged anew as his restless and at times desperate protagonists attempt to navigate the murky byways of modern life. In ten noir-tinged tales that blur and ultimately transcend genre boundaries as they upend readers’ expectations, Casimir paints, in lush, clear-eyed prose, an unflinchingly honest portrait—by turns grim and hopeful—of the ceaseless struggle to stay alert and alive on the winding, fog-strewn roads of twenty-first-century America.

A published scholar and fiction writer, Ulrick Casimir lives, writes, and teaches on the college/university level in the Pacific Northwest. Ulrick earned his BA from North Carolina State University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro; he also holds an MA and a PhD, both in English, from the University of Oregon, where for the past several years he has taught writing and film for the English department and for Clark Honors College. Ulrick's scholarly work has appeared in the film journal Jump Cut, and his short fiction has most recently appeared in Plainsongs magazine. Children of the Night is his debut story collection.